Teaching Quality Standard
Fostering Effective Relationships
During a maker space activity time, I worked with students to make slime. When I spent this dedicated time with these grade six girls I was able to gain their trust and respect.
Getting messy during an art activity was worth it because I was able to sit with and build relationships with students that normally would not participate.
I prepared a language arts vocabulary lesson based on a group of my students that love cats. Not only were the students engaged in the activity, but they loved that I had paid attention to their interests, which further helped me build relationships with these particular students.
During art activities I would differentiate learning by allowing students who are experiencing frustration to provide one example of a secondary colour instead of three during an assessment. This helped me to build relationships with students.
These were valentines cards that I received from my grade 2/3 students. I also received a rose from a student and that really meant a lot to me.
A mindfulness wall in the hallway being used by some of my students. The act of mindfulness, kindness, and building friendships releases endorphins into our bodies and this decreases stress and anxiety.
On a field trip with a grade 8 leadership class to Prairie Gleaners. We spent 2 hours preparing potatoes to be dehydrated and mixed with other vegetables and beans to make soup mix. 1 bag of soup mix makes 100 cups of soup. This soup is shipped all over the world including Northern Canada.
These little Christmas snowflakes were a hit in my 2/3 split class. It was such a small gesture yet it brought so much joy to my students.
Teaching subtraction to one of my students that felt very defeated in math. During this exercise I had her imagine that some of the base ten cubes were leaving for a vacation. We sent those base ten cubes to the zoo, Mexico, and even the circus. I was so happy she was enjoying math.
Engaging in Career-Long Learning
Professional Development Sessions
Professional development is essential for me as a teacher because it is important to demonstrate to my students that I love to learn and that you should never stop learning. It is also important for me to continue developing skills, new techniques, and discovering new strategies for the classroom.
First Aid & CPR/AED
Having an up-to-date first-aid certificate is important to me in all areas of my life. It is essential to be prepared for the unknown.
Plan to Protect
Plan to Protect is an abuse prevention training. Providing the highest standards of protection for the most vulnerable sectors of society. Including best practice, social issues, abuse awareness, reporting and responding.
Educational Assistant
Being an educational assistant gave me my first insight into the classroom other than being a student myself. The experiences I gained as an educational assistant has helped me understand how I can differentiate lessons for my students.
Demonstrating a Professional Body of Knowledge
Establishing Inclusive Learning Environments
Diverse Needs
I have had many opportunities to work with students with many diverse needs including autism, those who use assistive speech technology, and students with behavioural and mental health needs.
Behavioural Plans
I have had the opportunity to work with a variety of students with behavioural needs. Behavioural plans were very helpful for student's self-regulation throughout the school year.
English Language Learners
I was overjoyed for the opportunity to work with English language learners at Alexandra Middle School. Every day I went to practicum, the students brought me endless amounts of joy, and every day I would leave with a massive smile on my face.
During my Education Psychology for Teaching course, I was given the opportunity to complete an experimental report on a question asked by first-year teachers. My question was regarding the benefits of mindfulness in the classroom. I have had many opportunities since my first-year course to apply mindfulness in the classroom.
Applying Foundational Knowledge about First Nations, Metis, and Inuit
Adhering to Legal Frameworks and Policies
I am an active member of the ATA. I abide by the ATA code of professional conduct. Demonstrated by respect for the confidentiality of my students. As well as I respect the rights of all students.
A teacher demonstrates an understanding of and adherence to the legal frameworks and policies that provide the foundations for the Alberta education system.
Code of Conduct
An incident with a student who behaved inappropriately towards me was professionally dealt with by the teacher and myself. We were mindful of the student as well as others.
Digital Citizen
I successfully demonstrate my responsibilities as a digital citizen in my personal online accounts as well as in the classroom.