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Year 4 Practicum

Year 4 extended practicum ( 2021-2022)

  • Hours: 12-week practicum-six weeks at 100% and six weeks at 25- 50% 

  • Location: Southview School-Patricia Whiting

  • Grade 6

  • Highlight details:

  1. Literacy intervention centres, Barnell Loft assessment, writing workshops, and pen-pals with other students in the community

  2. Cross-curricular projects (art, science, math and social studies)

  3. Music (bucket drumming, singing, dance and Indigenous stick songs) 

  4. I created an optimal learning environment for all students, including developing escalation cycles

  5. Six daily math strategies

  6. Underwater art mural and graffiti workshop

  7. PE

Click the Word icon for my final evaluation

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