We are nearing the end of the semester, which means the close of four classes for me. When I started out this semester, I was very nervous about my educational technology course. I have stated previously that I am old enough to have not grown up using technology but am still young enough to have adapted slowly to it as it came my way.
My "Tools for Teaching and Learning in the Digital Classroom" course has given me confidence to use technology effectively in my classroom. I have gained many skills that have helped me grow in my confidence. Some of these technology skills include interactive lesson planning, collaboration with other teachers using technology-based programs, fulfilling curriculum goals using a variety of online resources, and a variation of technology-based assessment tools. I am not proficient in everything technology, but I certainly feel much more prepared to be a teacher in this generation.
I previously understood the importance of being a good digital citizen, but I appreciated knowing that it is important to have accounts that are all teacher-based resources. I also became aware that it is also important to not mix personal accounts with professional teacher accounts.
It is part of my nature to always be learning and I will always be a student of technology. Not just because it does not come naturally to me or because I think it is interesting or because it makes life easier at times but because as a teacher it is important to understand that technology is now a way of life and is developing at a rapid pace. I will always be a technology student and will do as much PD on this topic as possible. As an educator I need to keep up with technology trends in order to provide my students the best opportunities possible in the classroom and beyond.
An additional topic I would really like to learn more about is coding. This may sound strange as coding is not an overly exciting topic, well at least I don't think so. However, coding is intriguing to me because it is foundational to technology and helps bring value to how technology works.
My greatest "a ha" moment was also my steepest learning curve in this class. Creating an interactive Smart Notebook lesson seemed next to impossible for me initially. Then when I completed my very first Smart Notebook lesson I was blown away by my grit and determination to be successful in such a daunting task. "A ha" I did it and now I feel confident that I could easily create a quick lesson in a pinch.
I am keeping technology in the forefront of my thinking as I continue to develop my teaching philosophy.